Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Break To-Do List Update

Fall Break is now over :( but here is an update on what I got done this week

Things finished:
-Clean apartment
-Reading for the week after break
-Start seminar paper
-Teach skating
-Finish Athlete Agreement for US Speedskating
-Have Bollywood number ready for Synchro practice on Sunday
-Run 16 miles (I actually ran 20 miles this week :))
-Catch up on sleep

Things I plan on doing today:-Make a check list of things that need to get done for my Bar application and a timeline (yes, I am a dork and make lists with timelines)
-Get some of the things on the checklist/timeline done

Things that get pushed back:
-Use the mani/pedi Groupon that I bought 2 months ago
-Ed Session for Tech Support

I think that was a fairly productive break :)