Thursday, August 15, 2013

32 Years

I posted this gem on the interwebs today because it was 32 years ago today that my lovely parents were married in the First Baptist Church in New Albany, Mississippi.

 They are the best example to us of what marriage really means.  It doesn't necessarily mean that you like the person a whole lot every single day, but it does mean that you love them.  Loving someone in that way means you're not leaving - no matter how tough times are.  Josh, Rob, and I have all had our moments when our parents could have thrown in the towel in dealing with our issues.  Because we are products of their love and the fruits of their marriage, they stuck it out.

I am grateful daily for the example that they are to me and am a firm believe that my dad follows one of my favorite quotes of all time with regards to marriage:
"The greatest thing a father can do for his children is love their mother"

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Side note: Is anyone else glad it's no longer 1981?  (1) Check out my dad's sweet mustache/beard/goatee combo and (2) those bridesmaid's dresses {in pastels no less}. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

{mid} Transformation Tuesday

I've been meaning to do this post for a while but I haven't achieved my final goal so I kept saying to myself that I should wait or be further along in my journey before I posted something like this.  But then I had a run like Saturday and this happened:

That run was faster than my runs all week {and longer}, but that wasn't the coolest part.  The best part was that I liked it.  I had fun running 5 miles, transformation #1.  Yesterday when I was driving to where I was going to run I told my mom that I might have to run on a treadmill because it looked like rain, which sounded so painful to me.  A year a go, I did most of my training runs for the October half marathon on a treadmill and loved it.  Like my Lululemon tank top says - I am a runner because I run, transformation #2

I am like a lot of people, I am a scale addict.  My whole life the scale has defined me.  The amount of weight I carry has been something that I allow to limit the way I live.  I am not done, and I would be lying if I said I didn't weigh myself once a week (better than once a day).  I would also be lying if I said I don't care what the scale says.  I do care, a lot.  But I also work very hard during the week to make sure that the number is what I want it to be, if its not, sometimes I have a meltdown.  That meltdown, however, no longer includes binging on food that will make me sick.

Speaking of foods that make me sick---
--I bake things, and these cupcakes were delish, but I indulged in more than one and I wanted to puke.  Because I have taken out most of the refined sugar from my diet, one cupcake too many makes me feel gross.  Three years ago when I really tried to start losing weight with little to no success, I never would have thought that two cupcakes would make me sick, transformation #3.

There are a few of my transformations so far, more to come, get excited.  For now here's this selfie of me being excited!