Wednesday, November 2, 2011


“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” --Marilyn Monroe

It has been quite the two weeks for me.  The last two weeks were National Team Trials here in Lake Placid, which meant that all of our athletes and nearly all our staff were in town and we had quite a few sponsors here as well.  It was a crazy two weeks that went by so fast!  The event itself went very smoothly and it was a great competition.  The next few years are going to be really exciting especially on the skeleton side--the races were so close!  

Once that was over and I thought I could take a breath, my landlord dropped by on Monday at lunch to say that the lease arrangement wasn't working out for him and that he needed me to move out of the house at the end of November.  I immediately have a mini emotional breakdown and freaked out about what I was going to do.  I immediately began searching for places to live.  The interesting problem is that everyone in Lake Placid has a dog but not one person wants to rent to people with dogs.  The one place I looked at in Lake Placid was pretty sketchy {as in the landlord was clearly high and I could smell the pot coming out of his apartment when I knocked} so I vetoed that one.  I looked at a few other places in Saranac Lake, about a 15 minute drive from Lake Placid, one apartment seemed really nice and I thought I had that one locked down but it was rented right out from under me.  So out of desperation yesterday I started calling more places.  Immediately this one house stood out, it was small enough to be perfect for us and it is owned by people who love dogs.  I called and the landlord asked me to do a drive by in the daytime, so I did and I fell more in love.  She sent me more pictures and I was already sold before even going inside.  I went to look at it tonight and let her meet Sam and Ruby, and this house is perfect for us.  Then I got an email that made me cry, I GOT THE HOUSE!  I can definitely see myself staying here as long as I work for the USBSF.  Needless to say the Marilyn Monroe quote above definitely defines outlook on life these days!

Excited for what's to come!  Stay tuned!